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 Hello friends! Lilac Press has gone through a long, sometimes tough journey, but here we are alive and well in 2024! I started this press back in 2014 when I was living in a sleepy town south of Santa Cruz looking for a new community. Angel always says "poetry finds you" and that became truth during those lonely times as I sought out poetry that I could connect to, in order to hear people's stories and begin writing mine. Having spent a decade running a very unsuccessful record label, it seemed the best way to dive into this new community was to start a press and release poetry.  And I did. But I quickly realized there were higher stakes putting out chapbooks than putting out records. For one, I didn't have a community around me. There was no easy thread I could pull to distribute the chapbooks; get them into people's distros or independent book stores. Those lessons unfortunately proved pretty discouraging, and well life also got in the way and some years passed

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